![]() Orders, Wills & C Book #14 (1709-1716) In the name of God Amen I Abraham Martin of Brubon [sic] Parish in York County being sick & weak of body but of Sound & Perfect memory praise be given to God do make & ordain this my last will & Testament revoking & hereby disannulling all former wills whatever by me made first of all I bequeath my Soul to almighty God that gave it in hopes of Pardon for my Sins through the merits of my blessed Lord and Savior Christ Jesus & my body to the ground to be decently buryed in Christian burial & for all such Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with after my debts & funerall Charges paid I do bestow in manner & form following/ Imprimis I give & bequeath unto my Son William Martin One Gold Ring One Silver Snuff box Two Silver buckles & a sett of Silver Buckles/ Item I give unto my Daughter Jean Martin One large Gold Ring one Silver thimble & one pair of Shoe Buckles/ Item I give & bequeath unto my loving Cozen Eliz'a Stanton all my wifes Cloath in Generall/ Item I give & bequeath unto my afores'd Son and Daughter after my debts paid all the Rest of my Estate to be equally divided between them/ lastly I do ordain & appoint my loving Cozen Eliz'a Stanton Exec'ex of this my last will & Testament as witness my hand & Seal this 10th day of February 1711 further I do give my afores'd Son William unto Robert Cobbs the Son of Ambrose Cobbs to have him till he comes of age of twenty one years - |
Abraham {AM} Martin {Seal} mark |
Signed Sealed in the presence of Ambrose Cobbs John Steward his James {JP} Parvis mark |
At a Court held for York County June the 18th 1711 This will & Testament was presented in Court by Eliz'a Stanton the Ex'r therein named who made Oath to it & the Same being proved by the Oath of James Purvis is admitted to Record Test Phi Lightfoot CeCwo? |
Know all men by these presents that we Charles Holosworth Joseph Chermoson & Thos Cripps of the County of York are held & firmly bound unto the Worshipfull the Justices of the said County of York in the Sum of forty pounds Sterl payable to the Justices their heirs & Succossours or Some of them to the s'd paym't well & truely to be made we bind our Selves & Every of us our & Every of our heirs Exec'rs & Dom'rs Joyntly & Severally firmly by these presents Sealed with our Seals dated this 18th day of June 1711.-- The Condition of this obligation is Such that whereas at a Court held for the s'd county this present date the above bounden Charles Holosworth on petition obtained orders for Commission of administrator with the will and of the whole Estate of Abraham Martin dec'd whereby he is fully impowered to take the Same into Care & Custody Know yee therefore that if the said Charles Holosworth do present unto the Justices of this s'd County at the next Court a true & perfect Inventory of the said Estate being Lawfully appraised by Sufficient men upon Oath & also pay & Satisfy all debts as remain due & owing from the s'd Estate to any person or persons whatsoever so far as the Same will afford according to the dignity of their debts & also do bring a Just & true account of the Surplusage or remainder of the said Estate when he Shall be there unto Lawfully called & aver the Same to the Justices for the use of those to whom of Right it Shall belong or lawfully appertain also if the s'd Charles Holosworth do from time to time and at all times hereafter have harmless and keep indemnified the s'd Justices their heirs be from all damages that Shall or may accrew to them or any of them for granting the s'd administrator Therefore all other things Enjoyned by Law & observe Complying with the orders of this Court then this obligation to be Void or Else remain in full force & Vertue -- |
At a Court held for York County June the 18th 1711 -- This bond was aknowledged in Court by the partys thereto & admited to Record -- Test Phi Lightfoot C Cwo |
Joseph Chermeson {Seal} his Thomas {TC} Cripps {Seal} mark |
When someone does something good, Applaud!
You will make two people happy.
--- Samuel Goldwyn