Revolutionary War Pension Affidavit ofJohn CannadyCasey County, Kentucky ![]() Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832. State of Kentucky That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated. About the first of September 1781, he joined Capt Charles Callaway's Company of Militia who belonged to Col Callaway's Regiment of Virginia Militia. This was in Bedford County, State of Virginia, who march[ed] us through Prince Edward County through Petersburg, crossing James River at Swan's Point then on through JamesTown, Williamsburg & on to General Washington's headquarters at YourkTown Virginia, was then transferred from Col Callaway to Col [?]echies Regiment in General Lawson's Brigade - served during the seage at Yourktown. Was at the surrender of Cornwallis's whole Army at Yourktown, then was discharged from the Service & returned home making a tour of near three months & while at Yourktown a certain Stephen Jones Inlisted in the Contanettal troop of horse Commanded by Col Washington for three years & served seven or eight months in said troop & then deserted the service of the United States & returned to Bedford County Virginia, my residence and their pervailed on me to take his place which I did as a substitute for said Jones. Upon a new Inlistment, which was for deserting the war, this being the punishment put on Jones for his desertion, he being returned as a deserter, was Compell[ed] to served the whole war. This inlistment was about the first of July 1782 at Cumberland Old Courthouse Virginia being the General Kandavoire[?], the Regiment to which I then belonged was commanded by Col Fribecker, belonging to Capt Kirkpatrick's Company in said regiment. Served at that place until about October, then was transferred to Capt Yauber's [Yarborough's?] & Capt Deade's Troop who was on their march to the South to join Col Washington's Regiment of horse was taken sick & not being able to march was then furlowed and therein left to return home and remain there until I recovered my health then was to return & join any troop goint to the south or where ever Col Washington's troop of horse could be found. Accordingly, in March following, I left home on the hunt of said Regiment & marched to New London, Campbell County & was their stopped[?] by Capt Irish, the Commandant of the Garrison at that place & was by him returned as an invalad to do garrison duty & continued at that place until near Christmas following. Then was honourably discharged as a souldier for the war by the said Capt Irish of the Continantal line & commandant of said garrison -- he hereby relinquished every claim whatever to a pension or an annuity except the private and he declares that his name is not on the pension roll of any agency in any state. Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid. John Cannaday August term 1832 John L. Bridges ------- State of Kentucky Casey Circuit In testimony whereof I have hereunto Joel Sweaney CCk (Seal) ![]() Transcribed by J.L. McKenzie. Words/comments in [brackets] were inserted by me for clarification. ![]() |
I wish you good spaces in the far away places you go
If it rains or it snows, may you be safe and warm
And never grow old ...
--- Gordon Lightfoot