Traveling Through Paradise

MS Nieuw Amsterdam

~ The ms Nieuw Amsterdam ~
~ Caribbean Cruise November 7 - 21, 1999 ~

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November 9, 1999
(Click on a picture below to see the full sized version.)
Click on the "back" button at the top of your screen to come back here.
If you like 'em, let me know.


The second full day at Sea;
on our way to Puerto Rico ~ 9 Nov


Mary & the Atlantic

~ Mary & the Atlantic, between Tampa and San Juan ~


Food Demonstration

~ Entertaining the guests is part of a cruise. ~
On this windy day at sea, we were given a demonstration
of what can be created with fruit and vegetables.


Carved Watermelon Flower

~ This lovely flower was carved from a watermelon! ~


Vegetable Flowers

~ These flowers are made of fruits and vegetables! ~


The Artists

~ These are the artists who created the pieces in the photos above. ~
The item in the center shows what can be done with marzapan.


Dining Room

~ The beautiful dining room where wonderful food was served every night ~
And after dinner our waiter, Rachmat, served 'yummy' desserts.
Every night when he brought the dessert tray, he'd say, "It's Yummy Yummy time."


Outward Bound

~ Outward Bound from Tampa to San Juan ~


Reproduction of the photographs, logos and text
on this and all pages of this website
for any commercial use whatsoever is forbidden.


This Web Site designed and maintained by J.L. McKenzie
Last Updated December 4, 1999
COPYRIGHT © 1999 J. L. McKenzie


Jade Cat Graphics

Index Page 2

"She's a good old boat and she'll stay afloat
Through the toughest gales and keep smilin'
But for one more day she would like to stay
In the lee of Christian Island"
Gordon Lightfoot