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Hi there! You've found my tubes page. I've set this up so that all you need to do to download the zipped tube is click on the image of the tube you like. I've got more in the works, so bookmark the page and don't forget to come back.
TERMS OF SERVICE You may use these images on your own personal pages without any obligation to link back here (although it would be nice if you do). You may not put these images in any collection, redistrubute them on your own page or claim them to be yours. If you'd like to use them on a commercial page, please contact me. You'll find my terms are very reasonable. |
Tubes Page 1 Tubes Page 2 Tubes Page 3 Tubes Page 4
Egg Tutorial using PSP and Alien Skin's Eye Candy
Except for the tubes offered here, the
graphics on this page, are not offered for download.
Please do not take them. Thank You.
Here are four lacy hearts. The lacy cutouts are all little tiny hearts too. Each is shown at 50% of full size.
Here are four more lacy hearts. Each is shown at 50% of full size.
Sweep up with these brooms. Each is shown at 50% of full size.
Here's a sweet for your Valentine Sweetie. It's shown full sized.
Here's a little angel. She's shown full sized.
These hearts were made from a font called SC Hearts, a shareware font by Lisa Rohrbaugh . You can get the font at the Dingbat Pages. These hearts are shown full sized.

"Seize the moment, Marabor.
Live Now.
Now is always the most precious time.
Now will never come again."
--- Jean-Luc Picard
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Since February 6, 2000 |